Madison Winter Delivery Schedule

Every other Wednesday from November 6 2024 - April 23 2025

New Turkey Products

Holiday Turkey Availability

We have Turkey’s in the 18 - 22# range. If you are seeking a Heritage Turkey they are available. Heritage birds are $9.50/lb, non Heritage are $7.50/lb.

1/2 Turkeys are available in the 8-11# range and are $8.50/lb

Have you thought of Preparing a Muscovy or Grimaud Duck for the Holidays or even a Guinea Fowl or a Black Meat Chicken. Those are all available and a great way to prepare meat that’s not readily available at any local grocer, butcher shop or restaurant in the area

Sage, Unique Spice Blends
Great Stocking Stuffer Present

We offer Home Delivery, Seasonal Farmers Markets/Pickups and BFF Farm Pickups.

CSA Memberships come with Big Savings

Look at the options to pick the one that is right for you.

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Restaurants Featuring BFF Stores Featuring BFF